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Switching from SATA to hardware RAID on an already installed Windows 7 is quite the pain in the ass.
What i wanted to do is simply add a RAID-1 with 2 Disks. No changes to the system drive (except switching it from SATA(non-AHCI) to RAID.
Once simply switching the SATA-Ports from SATA to RAID mode (and remembering to switch the boot device priority), Windows starts to load up but then fails with a BSOD. The same issue as when trying to switch from SATA to AHCI (which can be resolved rather simply, see
While there seems to be a solution for Intel based Raid controllers ICH9 ICH10 ICH10R (see, for AMD-based ones there is no such workaround but the same problem:
- When the hdds are running in SATA mode, the driver for the RAID controller can't be installed.
- When the hdds are in RAID mode, windows won't even boot.
Resolution for my particular problem was the following:
- Configure your Motherboard to activate RAID, but also SATA (on some ports / different controller) and make sure your system disk is on one of the SATA ports.
- After successful boot you should see a RAID-Controller in the device manager. Select to choose the drivers for it manually and select the drivers from the AMD AHCI/RAID drivers that you get from AMD.
- Do NOT try to install JMicron raid drivers (as I did), unless you are really using the JMicron Raid controller on your motherboard (i think in my case that are the grey sata ports).
- Now your Windows knows AMD Hardware Raid and should find the attached devices.
- Once thats successfull, simply switch all your sata ports to raid and you should be able to boot with your system drive and all other drives set to RAID mode.
Hmmn heute gleich zwei Begegnungen mit zu wenig Swapspace gehabt.
Unter Unix 2gb swap bei 4gb ram - war zu wenig bei tomcat und vielen Webapps. Sehr hilfreich dafür:
Und unter Windows ohne Auslagerungsdatei funktioniert das WindowsUpdate nicht und bringt folgende Aussagekräftigen Fehlermeldung: "Die Webseite kann nicht angezeigt werden".
Manchmal laden dann auch Bilder in Browsern nicht - wird wohl echt mal Zeit für nen neues Notebook..
Ohh Eclipse. You really got me spinning these days.
When validating a wsdl you told me "The validation completed with no errors or warnings." even tough there were some obvious erros in there and even the graphical representation showed that.
But the validation completed, so I figured the validator is turned on but not working, maybe broken or misconfigured.. Turns out it was not.
Windows -> Preferences -> Validation -> [] Suspend all validators. After unchecking this you need to restart eclipse (full rebuild as suggested wouldn't do it in my case).
Improvement request: Tell me that validators are actually suspended instead of telling me all of them (in this case none) completed with no errors or warnings.
Subdroid, a simple app that displays svn logs. If you're on your android device, you can find it right here in the market.
Edit: Howto Video available. Watch here or directly on YouTube

Kurz hatte ich ja auch drüber nachgedacht eine zu kaufen, neulich im Baumarkt. Schön aussehen tun sie ja. Und man könnte dadurch zeigen, wie weltoffen man doch ist.
Aber ich weiß zu wenig über und habe noch weniger mit dem Buddhismus zu tun, als dass ich mir so eine Statue zulegen würde. Fehlender Bezug zu dieser Religion ist aber wohl heute kein Grund mehr sich nicht doch einen Buddha in den Garten zu stellen. Schade eigentlich.
Nunja zumindest müssen sich andere Religionen keine Sorgen machen dass die Buddhisten sich für diesen Trend revanchieren. Wer möchte schon einen schwarzen Klotz oder gar ein Holzkreuz im Garten stehen haben..