Just released my very first android application:
Subdroid, a simple app that displays svn logs. If you're on your android device, you can find it right here in the market.
Edit: Howto Video available. Watch here or directly on YouTube
Subdroid, a simple app that displays svn logs. If you're on your android device, you can find it right here in the market.
Edit: Howto Video available. Watch here or directly on YouTube
I really want a full SVN client for my G1 so that I can sync my password safe between the phone and server, and pick it up on my PCs.
If you're not planning on making the code Open Source, then that's still fine (I'd prefer it tho ;) ) but I'll be keeping an eye on this project :)
All the best,
Jon "The Nice Guy"
some of the code is already up there at sourceforge though its not the latest version because i switched to a private svn later.
All in all the code quality might not be the best because i just started fooling around with android and tried out a lot of stuff for the first time.
For SVN in java there is the SVNKit library. But i decided not to use it because it would bloat up the whole package (2mb lib file) and i simply couldn't get it running inside my android emulator within the first tries (though i've read that someone managed to do that - but didn't release an app).
What i won't be trying to do is to create a fll SVN client with full checkout support and modification checking and committing.
However i might have a look at how the PUT method works for svn WebDav and offer a solution to commit single files to the repository..
I try to use it on my Desire but the log isn't sorted by revision number. Is their a reason for this shuffle log or is it a bug?
thanks for you work
hmmn I'm not sure why the log is not sorted on your desire. Is it completely scrambled or is it sorted, but only in parts, or upside down?
I'll check this weekend and might release a new version that fixes this bug if i can reproduce it.
Excellent APP... I use this all the time to keep up on the code for a few projects out there... Excellent work and keep up the inspiring app building...
If I can help with anything testing or other let me know...
Thanks for the kind words. Glad you like it and find it usefull.
I might contact you if I need someone for beta testing :) In the meantime I would be thankfull if you rate the app in the android market or even write a comment there.
Best regards
i saw last commit more then 30 days ago
Yes it still is maintained and i still add features from time to time. The sourceforge repo doesnt contain the most resent version at the moment.
Are you interested in contributing? I could make the latest version available again i guess.
BR Andreas
hmmn i guess it would be possible.
But it would require a good load of work that i'm currently not able to put into it.
And as the majority of svn-servers uses http(s) anyway.. -.-
However, contributions are always welcome :)
What is required to support svn+ssh?
What is the secure alternative?
you need apache and mod_dav_svn to serve the svn through http(s).
SVN protocol is not supported by the app.
yeah i know a lot of people seem to want svn protocol support.
But just like you i recently haven\'t found the time to implement it. Currently i simply parse the http responses (xml). Implementing the whole (or part) of the SVN-Protocol is rather tedious and the java svnkit library is rather big and i wasn\'t able in my first attempt to port it to work on android (but would be cool, as it would allow real checkout, chekins etc).
The project started as a simple app (actually my first one, a hello-world android demo that evolved into the svn log viewer). It would probably be best to re-implement a lot of the functionality.
The code however is available at sourceforge, see: sourceforge
I hope you keep on evolving the app so it can manage svn:// and many other things.
Anything I can help please contact me.
Best Regards
/r Martin
since a few days I got the following error for a working repository: \"the target server failed to respond\"
Using a web browser or a svn client it works as expected.
Thanks in advance
can you give me some more information on that?
What SVN-version is used, was the SVN upgraded latelty?
Are you using username/pw to access the repo?
Would it be possible to set up a guest account?
Haven\'t been able to reproduce the problem yet.
https access with username and password.
Thank you.